Know-how to shape the future in a NewWork-World*
We are pioneers who are changing the way of work. How?
We provide business women with knowledge, tools and methods to become a Game-Changer. Our approach is to combine methods of Design Thinking with a philosophy of Sustainability to prepare and meet future requirements.
NewWork-Mentoring - training program with following content:
Get the big picture of current developments, trends and future estimations
Learn about he new VUCA/BANI World and the importance of organizational Culture
Develop Skills & Strategies for leading a VUCA/BANI World Workstyle
Discover your creative genius to shape the future with your Ideas
Find new sources and values how to maximize the contribution to society
Get a Certificate that certifies you leading skills in a VUCA/BANI World
We offer you a program of 6 Training Sessions for you or your team to sharpen your senses for the upcoming challenges and to develop the
skills you and your team need to manage the NewWork-World.
Also ask for:
A free initial consultation
Power Presentations & Keynote Speeches
Sustainable Business Design (workshops or training)
*VUCA : Volatility Uncertainly Complexity Ambiguity &
*BANI : Brittle Anxious Non-linear Incomprehensible
Together we can make a difference
We are helping you to collaborate with partners to spread your idea across borders. Especially Do-Good Projects need to be spread to inspire the world. Do good and talk about it.
CROSSING-BORDER SERVICES - collaboration to turn your ideas into projects
We develop a roadmap to spread your project (e.g. with a social media sharing concept)
We organize appointments and build up connections to spread your idea
We are organizing business events to connect people, companies and ideas -
Also ask for:
Our Project Connections
Beyond the border sponsoring and/or government subsidy consulting
Join our networks and attend at our events all over the world, to transform your idea into a real „Crossover-Project“
Business Design Events
Grow the good and spread it!
We design your business after principles of sustainability and implement
Do-Good projects to make a difference.
Our approach is to combine methods of entrepreneurial mindset with the
philosophy of sustainability to create a better future.
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DESIGN - Co-Creation offer for following topics:
Human centered Digital Transformation
COP-Quality Check of Human Relationships
Sustainable Culture Workshop: Entrepreneurial Mindset with Healthy Habits
Design or Re-Design of your Business Model for more Sustainability
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Workshops to develop sustainable solutions
Also ask for:
A free initial consultation about how to create a culture of sustainability
Preparation for Sustainability awards, audits and labelling
Sustainable Business Design Introduction